Tel: 01483 534293
Email the Office



Notices:  15th December 2024

Priest David Oakden – - 01483 534293 (day off Friday)

Do let me know of anybody or anything that you would like to be prayed for. and find us on


***Luke 4:18-19***

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed be set free, and that the time of Lord's favour has come.



Opportunites to Pray Together

Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast 1st Saturday of the month at the Vicarage, from 9am, prayer, coffee and croissant. Next is the 4th January – come, join us and pray for Chilworth, and God’s Kingdom here.
Thursday evening at St Thomas at 7:30 pm for an hour every other week. ** 19th December & 2nd January.


This Sunday Services:  3rd of Advent

9:30 St Thomas – Holy Communion.
11:15 St Martha’s – BCP Mattins.
16:30 St Thomas – Candlelit Carols


Next Sunday Services:  4th of Advent

9:30 St Thomas – Holy Communion.
11:15 St Martha’s – 9 Lessons and Carols.
15:00 St Thomas – Crib Service


Looking further ahead

Chilworth Tinies & Toddler Group: Monday 9:15 – 10:30 at St Thomas'
Advent lunch and Art: 16th Dec 12:00 St Thomas
Coromarta Carols: 21st Dec 14:30 St Martha's
9 Lessons and Carols: 22nd Dec 11:15 St Martha's
Crib Service 22nd December 15:00 St Thomas'                                         Midnight Communion: Dec 24th 11:00pm St Martha's
Midnight Communion: Dec 24th 11:30pm St Thomas'


 Food and Hygiene Bank

The Foodbank Larder box is now located in the porch of St Thomas' Church.  Many thanks for your donations.  Suggested items are: - Long life milk /tins tuna/ tins meat/ pasta/sachets microwaveable rice /pasta sauces/curry sauces/cereal/spreads/ tea/ coffee/ hot chocolate/ tins soup/ baked beans


LOW SUNDAY: 29th December

Just two services across the benefice, one in Shere St James at 10:00am and one in Chilworth St Thomas at 09:30am – where will you go?


Tea Bars

So many thanks for all the hard work done by so many, the church coffers have grown and the food bank has benefited from all the effort – So many thanks.


Advent Lunches in December

Midday on Monday 16th simple lunch and discussion on art, in the church room of St Thomas'.


Chilworth Tinies and Toddler Group

Mondays from 9:15 -10:30am  meet in St Thomas', play chat, pray and support.

Please Note:  No session on 23rd and 30th December 2024 - back on 6th January 2025


Mince pies please

We need mince pies! Please bring mince pies for refreshments following the St Thomas' candlelit Carol Service on Sunday 15th and the Crib Service on 22nd December.


Some Upcoming Christmas Highlights

Dec 21st St Martha’s Coromarta Carol Concert 14:30
Dec 22nd St Martha’s 9 Lessons and Carols 11:15
Dec 22nd St Thomas’ Crib Service inc Posada 15:00
Dec 24th Midnight Holy Communion in both churches


O Come Emmanuel

Reflections on the Advent Antiphons with Rt Rev’d Paul Davies, Bishop of Dorking.  Wednesday 18th December at St. Nicholas Church, Cranleigh.


Used Stamps

Don't forget to keep the stamps from your Christmas cards and leave them in the box at the back of St Thomas' so that they can be taken to Oxfam in the new year.


Go on be BRAVE – why not invite someone to one of our Advent or Christmas services, lots going on and it may change their life.



What is the role of the Church?  Give me your view - it is an important question.



Please check out our Website.  Please feel free to put forward relevant suggestions for content or send any pictures you would like to see on there to Yvonne


If  you need us

If you need any help with anything or have any questions please click on the names below to email a request:

For general admin matters our Administrator Yvonne

For local pastoral issues our Minister David




The Vicarage, Brook Road, Chilworth, Guildford, United Kingdom

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