Tel: 01483 534293
Email the Office


New Tinies and Toddlers Group

New group for pre-schoolers and their carers

Childrens' Service and Tea

Special Family Service

The Foodbank is on the move!

St Thomas' Church front porch, 122 New Road Chilworth GU4 8LU from 9.00 am - 5 pm

Make a donation

Click through to Donate

Notices 19th January

Notices for both Churches

Volunteers needed at St Martha's

For physical and spiritual refreshment, walkers love to have tea and cake at historic St Martha's, or to combine their Sunday walk with a traditional service. Can you make time to lend a hand and make things run smoothly?

Foodbank Referral

Foodbank Referral Form

Knit & Natter

Get knitting over tea and chat on Third Tuesdays

The Parish of Chilworth is on Facebook

Anyone can join our Facebook page!

Gardening Group

Can you lend a hand or bring spare seeds?

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