Tel: 01483 534293
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Notices for 9th March


Notices:  9th March 2025

Priest David Oakden – - 01483 534293 (day off Friday)

Do let me know of anybody or anything that you would like to be prayed for. and find us on


***Psalm 147:3 (NLT)***

He heals the broken-hearted and bandages their wounds.



Opportunites to Pray Together

Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast 1st Saturday of the month at the Vicarage, from 9am, prayer, coffee and croissant. Next is the 5th April – come, join us and pray for Chilworth, and God’s Kingdom here.
Thursday evening at St Thomas at 7:30 pm for an hour every other week. ** 20th March & 3rd April.


This Sunday Services:  1st of Lent

9:30 St Thomas – Holy Communion.
11:15 St Martha’s – BCP Holy Communion.
Both will be led by Rev Sarah Hutton and John Aston will preach


Next Sunday Services:  2nd of Lent

9:30 St Thomas – Holy Communion.
11:15 St Martha’s – BCP Mattins.


Looking Further Ahead

Chilworth Tinies and Toddler Group: St Thomas' Mondays 
PCC Meeting: 11th March, St Thomas' from 7:30
Lent Lunch: St Thomas' 12:00 to 2:00  Mondays


 Food and Hygiene Bank

The Foodbank Larder box is now located in the porch of St Thomas' Church.  Many thanks for your donations.  Suggested items are: - Long life milk /tins tuna/ tins meat/ pasta/sachets microwaveable rice /pasta sauces/curry sauces/cereal/spreads/ tea/ coffee/ hot chocolate/ tins soup/ baked beans


Chilworth Tinies and Toddler Group

Mondays from 9:15 -10:30am  meet in St Thomas', play chat, pray and support.


Pancakes at the Vicarage

Over 45 people dropped in, ate pancakes, chatted whilst children enjoyed the garden!


Tea Bars

So many thanks for all the hard work done by so many, the church coffers have grown and the food bank has benefited from all the effort – So many thanks.


Children’s service & Tea

23rd March at St Thomas from 3:30, short lively service. Followed by a tea which gives time to sit and chat whilst the children run around.


Parish Needs Process

Please keep praying as we seek God’s will for the parish and how with our limited resources, we can grow God’s Kingdom here.


David and Ali Away 9th March

Both services will be covered by Rev’d Sarah Hutton and John Aston, who very kindly are coming.


Roles within the Parish

As we approach the APCM, now would be a good time to think and pray about how you might get involved with helping within the parish. We always need people to commit to helping make this a great parish showing God’s love to all – talk to David and see how you may help.


Lent Lunches, St Thomas' 12:00 to 2:00 on Mondays: -

Simple soup and roll, fellowship and a discussion about some art as we explore some Lent themes. Mondays 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st March & 7th April.  All welcome.


A Place for Us – West Side Story Lent course - Parish of Shere

A place for us – West Side Story – film discussion of key scenes and Lent passages, reflecting on Fear, Love, Belonging, Death and Reconciliation. Meet at Gomshall Club, 5 Mondays 10th March onwards, at 7:30 till 9pm. For further information contact or chat to Tim.


Electoral Roll

New roll being drawn up, fill in a form and join. Speak to Jenny with any questions.


Used Stamps for Oxfam

 Please place used stamps in the box at the back of St Thomas' which will stay there all year and be emptied as and when it gets full.


ALPHA: - We are aiming to start an Alpha Course this year, please pray and think who you would like to invite and maybe get involved as well.



Please check out our Website.  Please feel free to put forward relevant suggestions for content or send any pictures you would like to see on there to Yvonne


If  you need us

If you need any help with anything or have any questions please click on the names below to email a request:

For general admin matters our Administrator Yvonne

For local pastoral issues our Minister David




The Vicarage, Brook Road, Chilworth, Guildford, United Kingdom

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