Tel: 01483 534293
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Notices for 13th October


Notices:  13th October 2024

Priest David Oakden – - 01483 534293 (day off Friday)

Do let me know of anybody or anything that you would like to be prayed for. and find us on


***Psalm 23:1***

The Lord is my shepherd (Jehovah Raah); I have all that I need.



Opportunites to Pray Together

Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast 1st Saturday of the month at the Vicarage, from 9am, prayer, coffee and croissant. Next is the 2nd November – come, join us and pray for Chilworth, and God’s Kingdom here.

Thursday evening at St Thomas at 7:30 pm for an hour every other week. ** 17th October & 7th November.


This Sunday Services: – 20th after Trinity

9:30 St Thomas' – Holy Communion.
11:15 St Martha’s – BCP Holy Communion

David will take both services


Next Sunday Services:  HARVEST

9:30 St Thomas' – Holy Communion.
11:15 St Martha’s – BCP mattins.

Rev’d Tim Heaney will lead both


Looking further ahead

Harvest Festival:   20th Oct – bring and share lunch at St Thomas' 1pm

Crafty Christmas Fair:  2nd Nov 10:30-2:00 at St Thomas'

In Memory of:  3rd Nov St Martha's at 3pm

Remembrance: 10th Nov

In Memory of: 17th Nov St Thomas' at 3pm


Harvest Festival - 20th October


In both churches, ties in with the school harvest celebration on 21st Oct where they will come to St Thomas'  and celebrate Harvest in the church. Gifts will go to the foodbank, to support those in our community suffering with food poverty. Suggested items are:
Long life milk /tins tuna/ tins meat/ pasta/sachets microwaveable rice /pasta sauces/curry sauces/cereal/spreads/ tea/ coffee/ hot chocolate/ tins soup/ baked beans



'In Memory Of' Services in November

Give David the names you would liked to be remembered. St Martha’s 3rd November, St Thomas' 17th November, both at 3pm.


 Food and Hygiene Bank

Thank you for your donations. We currently need long life milk, tins of fish and meat, bath & shower gel, bathroom/ kitchen cleaner, laundry detergent. The Foodbank Larder box is now located in the porch of St Thomas' Church.


Tea Bars

The Sunday afternoon Tea bars are an important outreach and a source of funds. If you would be prepared to help out by baking a cake and/or helping to serve, it would be very much appreciated.  Please contact Helen on 07710 750909 if you are willing to be added to the volunteer list.



Talk to David if you want to know more. An opportunity to meet together, talk, read, pray and learn together what it means to be a follower of Christ.


Used stamps

Used stamps can still be placed in the box at the back of St Thomas' Church and will be sent to Oxfam who still welcome them as charitable donations.


Children’s Service and Tea

Lovely to have some regulars and some new families at this service, where we also celebrated Rev David’s birthday with chocolate cake. Put the next one in your diary and join in the service.


Flower Rota at St Thomas'

Many thanks to all who have take a turn over the summer months - there are still a few weeks left needing volunteers before Harvest on 20th October. If you can help please put your name against the 'gaps' on the rota on the noticeboard in the church room. Many thanks



Please check out our Website.  Please feel free to put forward relevant suggestions for content or send any pictures you would like to see on there to Yvonne


If  you need us

If you need any help with anything or have any questions please click on the names below to email a request:

For general admin matters our Administrator Yvonne

For local pastoral issues our Minister David




The Vicarage, Brook Road, Chilworth, Guildford, United Kingdom

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